Is there another way to get Green Lantern?
Is this legit?
What’s going on with festival?
An official advertisement for the officially licensed DC mobile game
The Jam Tracks Leaving Date Was True
Crazy how marceline could touch you and get a easy 55 damage for a damn jab.
Why complain? The games days are numbered.
No dodging or using sheilds.
At least this game won't live in a continued state of Arrested Development
Case West has been southern fried out of the list. What is next?
Wacky Weekend is awful
Multiversus is a clear example of how to ruin the charm, charisma and personality of a game.
Even though I fell off this game awhile back, kinda sad to see Multiversus go
Played the demo when it released, i didn't like it
Anyone else really like Arena?
I miss the beta so much, why did they have to ruin everything?
This might be a hot take
Different versions
This games concept really could be lost forever...W.T.F it had over 100k on launch on steam alone. This is just crazy to digest.
The beta was better.
Nakat removed his "Community Manager" title from his X header post PFG shutdown announcement
They created a new company
A bunch of talented developers left PFG during the shutdown to create a new studio called Stoked Games
MultiVersus Stage Prototypes and Design Process
Is the new PFG offshoot studio ("Stoked Games") throwing shade at Tony on their site?