too many players error
The next Traveling Spirit is either Chuckling Scout or Daydream Forester, both from Season of Assembly
what's everyones favorite pendant?
I think I found a sky kid suffering from PTSD after Eden.
I'm a flying wrecking ball and no one can stop me
🔆[LEAKS]🔆 Rainbow day products early show
6 spirits while Bloom x Le Petit Prince is happening? Are they seriously trying to bankrupt our candles? 💀
My beloved fur baby is gone.
Upcoming Season Cosmetics Initial Reveal!
Part 2 of rating y'all fav music, keep giving me songs, i'll continue to rate them (dont ask why Linkin Parks Point of authority is in the list twice)
After hundred times of CR, do you still free the trapped manta?
my sleep schedule is FUCKED
Rating everyones (10-15 of y'all) favourite song
Name a wierd skill u have
When you get done sending your daily light and hearts to your friends and the game hits you with one of these.
Do you have a hard time making friends when you have an handicap?
Aurora received a bouquet 💐 from TGC
⚠️FLASH⚠️ I found the Magic Man from Adventure Time
how do YOU think Aurora fits into the Sky world/lore?
Well you can say he's....DYEing to give his friends some colors....
We became France
My WiFi is down so I can’t log on my main, so enjoy this meme I found while I hammer my router to work ✨
Dye stops accumulating at 99 jars