What did Mad Men turn you on to?
Offer credit check
Finally starting SC from s1 e1
Did anyone else catch Molly quoting Anchorman? :D
JT confronts Venita over $5000 spending!
Does anyone remember Eliza Limehouse from season 6? Thin blonde equestrian girl? I saw her when I was in Charleston recently she had a pop up at my hotel
Category is: parties at Patricia’s house
Paige (Thoughts)
Cringey Hookup Pipeline
I really don’t like JT…
I have been watching this show since 2012 and I have NEVER seen or heard of this woman in my life???
This took me out!! Season 4 Craig's whole day in one scene
Buy Madison’s House
TBH I wouldn’t mind resting Saka for the remainder of the season.
I almost hate myself for saying this…
Does Sienna have “an NFL boyfriend”?
Realistically which guy...
S10 E13 Discussion
This season - struggling to watch
Why i think Erika and Dorit don’t like Sutton
Don't want to be too optimistic but we have a good shot at RM
I am watching RHOBH from the beginning: unexpected
Did we miss it?
Taylor’s Press Look
Craig’s delusions/JT