So what Dragon age 2 did Better than Origins?
Show me the best screenshot you have took in a game
What games are you playing this weekend?
Friend reminded to clean your PlayStation! <3
Val licks the arm of your favorite helluverse character. How do they react?
Mommy V 🥰
Which video game antagonist got you like this?
Which games releasing this year are a day one must purchase for you?
Which characters do you guys share the same personality type with?
The Scariest Game You've Ever Played?
What scene scared you the most in the franchise?
Whats a game you slept on for far too long and played for the first time, to realize it amazing?
What game had you crying or got you the closest?
I really love this game 🌇
What video game tune is the most nostalgic for you?
What’s the best farcry game? I’ve only played four and five.
What's the first game that comes to mind when you see this?
What was your first platinum trophy?
My first encounter whith the man from the fog didnt went well😵💫👌.
How do you rate Odyssey on a scale of 1 to 10?
What's your guys' favorite game?
What is this game for you?
Which level from a non-horror game scared you when you were a kid? (Attic from Toy Story II)
Who are your favorite videogame antagonists ever?
What story plots would you want for JEDI 3?