Who should I add next?
What games have made you cry? Even a tear.
What the actual fuck am I supposed to do against this?
My female friends told me that my brother was r*p*able and I stood there saying nothing.
This okay?
In Thunder Bay for 2 months: a guide to the basics
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
How is it that an 11 year old can get a job and I can't? WTF is going on?
Gotta stretch this for about three days. Do u think i can do it?
What game do you have the most hours on?
Ordered a car, dealership now wants $200 more
Wtf is media now adays
My submission for the most egregious intersection in Thunder Bay - I would say I see this happen 20-30% of the times I am at this intersection, either as a pedestrian OR a driver. I was way more upset than the pedestrian appeared to be.
Found son's burner phone - please help
What's playing on repeat in your house?
20F and 22M bedroom life is dead what do we do to change it?
Selling to salesmen
Why are salary numbers so random? E.g. why is a job salary listed as like $125,648 instead of just being $125,000?
What’s your “attainable” dream car?
TIFU by not explaining myself properly
Looking for similar Canadian bands to Alexisonfire? New or Old.
Your last saved image defeated Kratos! What is it?
GRAZIE To Galluci's Pizza!
3rd month of being unemployed
A real statement by the white house