This has to be the best satire of a Synder fan, and people think it’s real lol
Straight up Nazi behavior right here 💀
Healing an entire generations worth of trauma with one ice beam.
How Did Greg House Tolerate His Education?
Probably the two least likely characters to ever get their cards in the actual game.
Which Cartoon Character Represents Greed.
what's the worst character redesign of all time
cloud guy won! who is a *universally beloved love interest*?
Anyone Remember Us? (Let's Dub Project)
Research for a video essay contrasting Mike Flanagan and Stephen Moffat’s approach to adaptation
Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers was selected as the funniest battle. Now, which is the saddest/most beautiful battle?
DC is about gods being Disney characters
AITA for not apologizing to my stepmom and bringing up that I think her and my dad's expectations were unfair to me and my sister?
The entirety of Looney Tunes has been removed from Max
They did so many characters dirty
its 2am, i have strict parent, and now im crying beside my bed
Married (29F/31M) for 2 years, but maybe gay now...?
I discovered today that Henry Cavill does not look like Superman
Horse man VS Self, next, which cartoon is about Man VS no God
That was a really fun event but really unfair. Did anyone finish any of the four things (ship, chest, pearls, maps)? What do they give?
I'm still feeling very dysphoric over my SRS results after 2 months
If you could personally meet and talk with any Greek God/Goddess, who would it be?
AITA For Wanting To Break Up With My GF Because I Was A Dare-Date?
Might be a pet peeve but does anyone else wish they would've just had Zendaya's MJ be explicitly Mary Jane Watson from the start instead of "Michelle Jones" and then adding Watson to her name in NWH?