Is the major update supposed to come out in april, if so what are the changes it will bring
Had such high expectations
i made a fullback only team after I got weah
What about the turkey showtime yildiz that was supposed to come out on 27 feb
Is 4.3.0 tomorrow?
Alright lets do this, day 1: whats a good card thats loved by players?
Guess the theme of the team
Does anyone know the possible date for the next major update?
Since there is no maintenance this week will there be a potw tomorrow or nothing at all because they have already given us the 50 coin event yesterday but no tour event has been added alongside that?
What are some skills you would like to be added( be it common or show time skills )
Whom should i go for between villa and sneijder
Is the big update this Thursday or are we yet to get an announcement
Is the 4.2 update this Thursday or are we yet to get an announcement?
Is the 4.2 update this Thursday or we are yet to get an official announcement
Is the rumour about club packs coming tomorrow true?
Rating buff
What about users with large amounts of GP now?
Next slot is for the LWF position.
Summer Roadtrip quests
For people who have used both these cards whose crosses are better
Which of these would you prefer to use at RB( keeping in mind their crossing ability )?
Weekly Q&A Megathread July 24, 2024
Any idea of what the next set of encored potw will be?
Is this White worth going for if i already have this kimmich
Guess someone saw this