Does anybody actually feed into the scam anymore?
Guys, you're not gonna be possessed by a haunted doll
Kan vi bestämma oss över vad som räknas som Svensk?
What movie is 10/10, yet hardly anyone has heard of it?
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
(Serious) What incident on reddit became news headlines?
What is the funniest/infamous video game glitch of all time?
Tired of men thinking this is a hate subreddit
What is mainstream horror to you?
Girlfriend (40F) of 4.5 months wants me (45M) to have sex w/o condom
Good gluten free restaurants
Remember that episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air where Will didn't want to date Queen Latifah because she was “fat”?
Why is it racist to wear braids?
AITA for threatening to break up with my girlfriend for spending $1600 on a video game
(Serious) Long haul drivers, what's the creepiest thing you've seen on the road, paranormal or otherwise?
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
I walked out of an interview after one question. Was I wrong?
Dating interracially makes me uncomfortable
Skaffa en afrikansk flickvän?
Nu har invandringen gått för långt
Breaking contract terms?
Advice on leaving?
Tracked down the teacher who made my life HELL when I was 9 and gave him a piece of my mind
AIO if i get upset that my bf questions me all the time?
Issues with 3 mobile network?