I love how the John Byrne run improves upon sue storm <3
Hot Take: Iron Fist Season 1 isn't that bad.
Which character is this for you?
Thoughts on Jessica Jones S2?
When was the moment your favorite mutant became your favorite?
What is your favorite X-Men movie?
Which X-Men member is your favorite?
I miss these two being together 3
Comic Fans Pretty Please Drop Your Favorite Character That Got Mischaracterized In A Movie or Show I Wanna Hear About It
This is my new favorite comic book story ever
Okay, let it out: What does everyone think about Storm and Wolverine?
How do you guys usually do drafts?
Thought this was cute
Persona character you'd defend like this
Just finished Eternal Punishment....
Have you ever pushed somebody that ended up becoming A Major star
Which Protagonist is your favorite and why?
I love Eternal Punishment but I HATE this 😭
What does this apply to in Persona?
For my fellow P2 fans, as a newcomer to Innocent Sin I was wondering who you prefer and why?
Okay Folks, gotta ask, regardless of your gender, do you play Femshep or Maleshep?
Which of these 3 games is a better continuation?
What is the best way to get into the classic persona games?
What's your favorite non-Goku fight in Dragon Ball besides Gohan vs Cell?