Budget Board | Practice Board | Just some extra pedals I had laying around
Do you guys gank level 3 or level 4?
High gain boutique pedals from small builders. Which small builders should be more talked about?
Bishop's opening
Best headphones for listening to music $300-500 budget?
What kind of music do I play? (Bonus points if you guess correct artists)
I guess I'll join, what's my gear tell you?
IEM for solo use on gigs
Niemann Vs Dubov (march 7-8).
I choke hard during live performances
DI box related questions ( my head will explode from all the research)
Question for all the squids wearing hoodie, jeans and sneakers
DI box or mic up the amp for IEM
Help me build affordable, portable IEM system just for me
r/AudioEngineering Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk
Buyers Advice and Gear Recommendation Thread
What does line out do?
What happened to the records channel?
White to play and win.
Tank/Bruiser kindred (thoughts?)
Does anybody actually give a draw when your opponents missclick. Was i in the wrong?. He stalled for quite some time too.
Ideas for a full black bike (how to spice it up)
Are there any Tone City pedals that sound like JHS Angry Charlie?
Gambling with moves
Mortal Reminder vs. Lord Dom’s