Blizzard can we please get the AQ tier for reals treatment now that Naxx has been out a few weeks? The same way we got BWL tier a few weeks after AQ release.
Nova Raid Companion can now show your entire raids SoD Naxxramas Seal of the Dawn buff percentage in an easy to view column.
NIT can now show you who looted what relics in the new kara dungeon.
Are Horde Layers and Alliance Layers the same?
[SOD] Remove reputation requirements for gear in Zul Gurub, like with AQ
Macro for swapping Runes
BWL on cooldown for entering and buying the item? (SoD)
NWB not tracking WB cooldowns properly?
[WorldBuffs] Rend will drop in 6 seconds.
Wow classic crashing at all times
Who thought this was a good idea. @Devs
Just a reminder... you have to update your action bars in Classic
Reintroducing AutoLayer, a community effort to make layering easier
Improved BG scoreboard addon for classic - Nova Battleground Scoreboard
Please can we get better nameplate range in SoD with next phase.
HELP Lui UI error
C_Spell.GetSpellInfo and Changing Spells
Are we ready to admit banning GDKP was a bad move?
AddOns not showing in WoW menu
MC Right now: the amount of loot is insane lol
Error - Can someone please help?
Sooo can we get GDKPs back already?
Megathread for Intel Core 13th & 14th Gen CPU instability issues
Unplayable lag/freezing during combat
Have to RMA my i9-14900k due to voltage issue and Intel expects me to be without a PC for 3-4 weeks while they investigate my CPU cause of their mess up?