Ghoonghat after AM
I’m writing a book on pornography addiction, and have a degree in psychology with a concentration in neuroscience AMA
My poor little Hannibal Lecter 🥺
Laser between the cheeks
Mi, Oscar, bootiful bad boi, male model, has been accuzed of doin' a most heinous borthole scoot!
Late to the party
Botox facials
Sasha’s about to get groomed today!
the body is round
Grumpy After Shower
The selfish princess is dreaming of treats. Enter at your own risk! 🍖😆
Crepey neck- early 30s
My (21M) bf keeps eating my (22f)favourite foods every time I buy them in for myself, I need advice on if this actually has a deeper meaning?
Hand made by me!
My parents keep telling me that I need to be street smart, how tf do I become street smart
Does your Pom know when you are leaving for a trip?
My boyfriend commented on my eating and I can’t get past it
Where did the Indians don't shower myth come from ?
I'm James Yu, Founder of Sudowrite and Sci-fi Writer, AMA
Shih Tzu Comfort Level: MAX🥰
If the left cared about men then the election would have gone differently
CMV: As a young South Asian man, I feel worthless, disconnected from and hated by society, and – though I want to succeed – I feel permanently limited by my race and background.
I miss my body hair so much
People who stopped taking hot showers, have you noticed any differences?
I feeling like an incel after reading a post from 2x sub