EASY NOUMENON: EARLY POEMS (Second Revised Edition) by Vincent St. Clare <2024 ed.; original 2016> — a digital collection of poems >> on FlipHTML5 [free-to-read [e-]flipbook/chapbook]
You're stuck on yet another 21 hour flight. Which seat are you choosing?
Does it get any more disturbing than In Slaughter Natives? (Jouni Havukainen.) Is...[?]
The funniest scene from acclaimed director Sergei Parajanov's film The Legend of Suram Fortress (ამბავი სურამის ციხისა; 1985)
Hormel chili shouldn't be this expensive, IMO. (I hope rising food costs aren't *too* interesting... Please *don't* find this post compelling or worthy of discussion... 🙏)
The Loathsome Radiator Grilled Cheese Eater! (Sopranos x Elden Ring)
Ngl kinda depressed rn can you guys say something nice or something?
I don't understand secular Buddhism
7-OH Warning
You're too chronically ill to support yourself and live life normally in your 20s, your potential is wasted, and everyone you know has a better life than you.
Is Current 93 a nazi band?
What is the most downright empty music you know?
It's kinda cool how when I buy bananas some are huge and others aren't
How it feels to do ketamine and cocaine in your thirties and forties
How many of yawl have real life 7OH bros?✅✅
Which way
This has to be the objectively most funny meme that I came up with in this life:
College student addicted to 7oh
Is anticosmic Satanism the natural progression of understanding Satanism
I made a sh*țp0st/meme/comedic video once invokving this satirical comic...
Relatively unknown thinker Ulrich Horstmann
Why no mention of....
[NSFW!!] More insanity screenshotted on the Sekiro Facebook group I'm in (that's apparently being stalked by an anonymous horny psycho)...
When I eat an edible, I start to teleport