Time for a real discussion do you prefer Eddie and Venom to have a romantic coded relationship or not?
If WhatsApp was in Oilwell Basin 😂
Why the fuck do people not understand their weapons
WHY NO BOX SETS????? [discussion]
Any secondary weapon that would pair well with IG ?
Klein Moretti or Fang Yuan, who do you glazes more? Which one is more amazing? Who's smarter?
My Fashion
Don't forget to carry a Powercharm and Armorcharm in your pouch at all time for a free attack and armor boost
PSA : Don't forget to carry a Powercharm and Armorcharm in your pouch at all time for a free attack and armor boost
Stop bringing up Tempered Magala whenever difficulty is discussed.
Frost/Mag Heirloom come to mind
This is so real
Have we seen them in the same room before ?
Regulus slickblack
New format dropped
I’m so done with the fucking camera in Wilds
The average Monster Hunter Experience
Love this weapon, feels like I'm dancing
[Media] character Love chart
“Say that again…”
Didn't know insect glaive would be so fun
Damn, No anime had made me feel this way
Must be nice...