Jimmy John’s Racist Manager Bo Tebesco Mandeville Louisiana
Providence fan throws beer on security guard
Is 'sick hit' something people search for?
Michael Jordan Gatorade NBA Dreams
Would you open it and send it off to get graded?🧐
Would you settle for an 8?
What's my card worth?
Latest acquisition, MJ from outside of junk wax era
Umm, this is a first as a seller. Would you just ignore this?
One of my favorite LeBron cards I own. Now only to get the matching Jordan card.
This restaurant placed a sticker over the "No Tip" option to force customers to leave a tip
A pizza you need a knife and fork for, for 9.99! Wtf
Worst hobby box i’ve ever opened
Any options on real or not?
Our clock fell off the wall
Should I send this card to be Graded? Deion Sanders Rookie Card
These Junk?
If you have one of these consider yourself an opp and I hate you
Downtown right now. Proud of you Denver!
What would you do
Hey everyone! Are these cards worth anything at all? I assume probably not, but figured I’d ask. Thank you!
Y’all see this bullshit
Asked my wife to check for prizm football at target…. SHE BOUGHT EVERYTHING LEFT
How much would you pay for this one? I think an MJ outside of the junk wax era is neat but PSA 7 isn’t so hot. What’s a good price?