Attacks that are just plain heartless
In mask of the phantasm, why was alfred so shocked at this?
Patthew Matrick
Can you name these houses?!? 👻
Scooby-Doo Resurrections: Design Teaser
Absolute cinema 🖐😐🤚
Characters who would probably swear a lot if the they were in wasn't for kids.
Idn if blueberry counts but I got the currency.
I'm sorry but this thumbnail is fucking dreadful
We are now opening mod applications!!!
r/TheCinemassacreTruth "a censorship free zone"
How have I watched this movie religiously for decades and never noticed Michael in this shot
It is officially the one year anniversary of MatPat’s final theory. Thoughts on the episode?
What’s a piece/lore from your favourite cartoon that you want to ignore and pretend that it doesn’t exist?
What costume do you think each one would wear to a Halloween party?
I have one goal, and I am terrible at it
The [insert last name] brothers/sisters
Why was it like that though?
Huge stories that happen in a small time period.
Characters that are almost completely silent and don't utter a single word and still manage to be very menacing and intimidating
My human Pomni design (and name)
There are only three secret stories in indie games:
Im getting a little annoyed of the lack of diversity in game theory videos
Characters associated with the phrase "Showtime!"