What the fuck happened to all this American dream bullshit
What percentile for my age group?
Im painfully awkward. I have nothing to say.
99% of gamblers quit before hitting it big.(10k-->270k)
How do you even recover from this?
99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big. (10k---> 270k)
It was a good run Cava GG
What are things you can find at most grocery stores that cost under $25 that you can sell at 80% or more of retail price?
Does IV impact theta decay when buying an option?
NVDA and the September to remember
"I ain't hear no bell" 🗣️
Free Greenchef box - 1 week of meals
50k ----> 108k
Coming up with a name has me stuck
I am 27 with $27,000 in investments and savings. I make 74k a year how am I doing?
15M: Should I sell the truck?
What’s it worth?
What age did you save your first $100K? What age did you reach a $1M net worth?
Paper handed my Cava calls with too high of a stop loss 😵💫
Im 18 fresh out of highschool, I have 11k, and want to start a business
Selling house and traveling. What to do with proceeds?
I'm 18 and just inherited 10.000 usd.
21 years old business... NEED HELP
Selling company stocks to pay off student loans?
Best credit card for me