The Great Transfer - MEME Archive
Has anyone successfully transferred to a 64bit server while running LOTRO in Linux?
Realistically, what are you potentially losing out on by joining the new servers later?
1 Female to 2 Male USB-C splitter cable?
I feel like veganism is dying
Why does the spinoff "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" have 26 seasons while its parent, "Law & Order," has only 24 seasons?
Worried about the future of LOTRO
So, "Zoochosis", the game where animals in a zoo can potentially be the Thing and its your job to stop that is out. How do you guys feel about it?
New LOTRO expansion, LEGACY OF MORGOTH, announced at San Diego Comic-Con
Can I get into this game in 2024?
Hi people! Where can I find infused garnet, sapphire and adamant? On wiki it says from humanoid mobs and I killed some of them but none dropped the gems. Can someone tell me the location in Moria where I can obtain these gems?
Fastest way to level up an alt?
Has the game gotten more f2p friendly over the years?
What game messages appear in the Standard chat channel?
Is it possible to learn WoW's languages for IRL usage?
Crotchless Pants Question.
With the Chat Server down, is anything updating or will all this adventuring be erased when the chat server comes back?
I will never understand why some religious people seem threatened by atheism.
Why does it seem like so many fast food places are taking away the vegan options?
Why is my little Fifi afraid of men and not women?
There was 60 incidents in the 1960's 45 in the 1970's and 65 in the 1980's
What growing up did you think meant you’re fancy/rich - for me it was taxi’s
When do you shower?