Hamas’s Statement on Syria.
Hamas Statement on Syria
Kashmir and Pakistan
I am being harassed by a family member. What can I do?
They really have nothing better to do with their lives. Instead of developing a conciousness where they realise that they are being played by Iran they will bite the hook with not bait.
Which state comes in you all's mind ?
Important: The Need To Counter Propaganda
Indian army 🪖 💪🏻 shoots and injures kashmiri separatist/ porkistani agent🇮🇳 🇮🇳
What comes to your mind when you see Muhammad Ali Mirza?
Hypocrisy at it's peak, Double standards of Pakistan
Kashmiri Pandit Migration
Rethinking the Kashmiri Muslim Narrative: A Deeper Look
Tightening the echo chamber. Look at the mod comment.
a small request to the members of this gc.
People above 28, i just turned 22, what's the piece of advice you wanna share with me?!
Kashmiri's like to say the resistance is about independence of kashmir but is it really?
Mid-1980s onwards | J&K
If Kashmiris are separatists because Pakistan pays them, Why doesn’t India pay them more and win them over?
Sheikh Abdullah and Nehru: From trust to mistrust
Could this explains why K separatists and Pak partners in bed?
Kashmiris are afraid of criticism.