Bought a co-op in NYC, $745k at 6.125%
[Cat Quest 3] Does anyone have any advice for this Platinum? I’m honestly losing motivation and not really enjoying it at all. I platinumed the first 2 but if this one takes a really long time, I’ll probably just quit
The Viking Berry Monster is my absolute favorite
[Dead By Daylight] My most proudest platinum, I never ever imagined me having this one but I’m super happy about it.
I think I'm addicted to concerts. I have 4 concerts in 4 days next week after 3 concerts in 3 days last week... What's the most consecutive days you have been to different concerts/festivals?
[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] I guess I won’t be getting the platinum due to these 2 trophies
How did MrBeast "lose" money on 'Beast Games' when Amazon gave him $100 million to create 'Beast Games'? Is it because MrBeast actually spent more than $100 million on 'Beast Games'? How much money did MrBeast actually "lose" on 'Beast Games'?
[Discussion] Currently looking for 3 players to help with the Left 4 Dead Trophy in Dead By Daylight
I’m looking for 3 players to help me with the Left 4 Dead Trophy
I’m looking for 3 players to help me with the Left 4 Dead Trophy, any help would be appreciated
[Discussion] Proudest DLC trophy you’ve earned?
Outlast Trials is on sale for 15$ if you haven’t picked it up yet now is the time to do it!
[Dead By Daylight] This game has some of the most unnecessary trophies I’ve ever seen
[Dead By Daylight] I’m so close :)
Someone help me solve this please
[Wheel Of Fortune] Can someone help me solve this
[Undertale] Platinum #79
Is anyone else’s game lagging bad today or is it just mine?
Dead By Daylight teammates be like
GameCube games at the thrift and it was a Meme game, remember Piglets big game? 😂
[Dead By Daylight] This trophy has ruined the platinum for me, 15% unlock is totally a lie
Absolutely the stupidest trophy I’ve ever seen, I’ve been trying this for literally hours. You hide in a random closet without doing anything and the killer automatically knows which one your in
My canned curry sauce exploded in my face
What’s happening 😳