Do people really take this game that seriously? 🤣
This CANNOT be real. Nervous about rolling more.
Well this is certainly one way to go over the wildcard cap
Make sure not to go in blind and bring lots of time buffs/ a fixed time leader.. this was not a fun experience
Any last minute trades? I have everyone besides lakshmi/rudra and princess punt
Sad post, just want to lament. My coop partner of 10 years messaged me yesterday that he was quitting and deleting the game.
January quest lvl 15 with Nova squad!
Will you be trading for NY Albrecht or Izanagi&Izanami? If so, why?
accelty clears un rush
Hey guys, I’m new to car mods and need help deciding
I made this today...
Billion title challenge with 🐳 omnimon team after several accidental disconnects
So is Zaerog’s test in the billion challenge legit impossible on 7x6 board??
[NA][News] Billion Title Challenge, Unknown Nova Rush-Supergravity! 12/25-1/19
Hello, what would this paper wrapping style be called?
Check out these mid ladder menaces I found in league 😭
You've seen 1 SN3 trade, but what about 6?
Obligatory Data Download Post
Mega draft tournament doesn’t let me battle because i “can’t build a deck”. Any ideas on what to do?
2nd paimon from free
Ardent challenge LvEX misaka swipe
Where can I find this monster drop?
[ Video ] Gino VS SN2!! - Pretty standard team
Multiple SN3 clears ( suzaku x misaka, celty x accelerator, & Gino
SN3 Title Clear with Accelerator