A man broke into my farm and then left my pasture gate open where my cattle are!
Is my RO water too soft?
Portraits of my grandmother, Kodak Gold 200, Olympus OM-1
Tips for first time leica owner?
My brother putting me on his motorcycle, 1964…and me with my 1st motorcycle, 1982
My very first analogue experience. 35mm Yashica FR II.
What fully mechanical to complete the collection?
C41 development problems
C41 development problem
1 or 2? Nikon F100 + Ilford HP5
Nikon f3 portra 800 (nikon 50mm 1.4 ais)
Why are some of my pictures yellow like this
Wtf is this
Anyone try neg lab pro with nikon coolscan?
Proper colour
Hummingbird [Pentax Super Program | Takumar 135-600 6.7 | TMaxP3200 | Ilford MGRC Satin Paper]
My favorite film photos of 2024
Standing Still Very Fast, Gradients and Ripples [Nikon F100 / Nikkor 50mm f1.4D / Kodak Royal Gold 400]
Scanning questions
What makes you shoot film?
Just finished my first at home development
Looking for a telephoto for my f3
Cuz fuck em if they can’t take a joke
Some Pipe work
Nikon coolscan