This was amazing. Kind, funny, accurate, yet brutal
this mf lurking in DGG chat 💀
I’m really sad. I’ve had Lydia as a follower for a while. I did not know she can actually die. I’ve been sitting here just staring at her. I don’t know what to do.
America is imploding!
I guess Gaza is speaking now...
You are on a ship that will sink in 24 hours.
What’s Happening with President Sunday?
There is no do over if other federal agencies don't act now
What do you think about this take? Is there a hope for SCOTUS at least?
Dean Withers currently has a 33k viewercount watching him debate trump supporters..
How is it that the Democratic party is falling apart when it's Republicans who made the deal with devil?
We are getting closer to an ideal world...
Getting the vibe that the entire Trump plan is to wait for an act of violence big enough to blatantly ramp up totalitarian rule.
My Trump voting friend agrees what Trump is doing is bad
Destiny is asking us to Rise Up! It’s time boyz! Our duty to never make a republican lawmaker feel comfortable again!
Asmon is getting more unhinged by the day!
Gnosia anime trailer dropped
Windsong x Vila - on Twitter by @xkaaoi
No smoking!!!
Thanks Schumer you were right The Dems will be praised for avoiding a shutdown
Asmondad shits on Trump again
Yesterday I posted a bunch of clips of Ethan's support of Palestine and calling out of Israel which got a lot of attention on this subreddit. Shortly after my entire Reddit account was suspended across all of Reddit. Finally was able to log in now.
Change My Mind: It's good Trump won
Is there any hope for american leftists?