What’s a fact that sounds fake but is actually true?
AITA for telling my 8 year old daughter that I will leave the house and not be her mom anymore?
The wait is finally over!
He punched the wall beside me during an argument, I’m scared to be around him. WIBTA if I left?
whats your favorite serum 2 feature so far?
Did Xfer's Website Crash?
Would you let your significant other look through your phone when they’re overthinking or have doubts? Why or why not?
What are things other DJ's do not understand about the genre(s) you play?
What could Trump do to make you like him?
ZipDJ: make sure you cancel or ask them not to auto renew
That might be the coolest thing I've seen
Site Down?
Do you agree that the Electric guitar is the most versatile and best instrument ever?
I just got Serum for free
Do you think Nietzsche would have loved tik tok?
Serbian president attacked a bunch of people protesting with a sonic weapon, the people felt like some kind of invisible magic attacked them.
You are offered 100 million US dollars if you will switch your political allegiance to the opposing party.
I have trouble creating playlists
A semen vial (roughly 10 cm^3) can be sold for £1300 ($1700 US) each. If you’re always able to get a sale, regardless of what your sperm quality/quantity is, how much money are you making?
Serum 2 is out
Is it rude to make song requests?
How beneficial / important is mastering software for recording DJ mixes?
Help, I can’t decide on Studio Monitors?
Altering the invoice and adding the extras to the rooms rate
If you could summon Mr. Meeseeks what would you ask him?