Advice for Muldrotha Self Mill Deck
Muldrotha Self Mill Deck Help
Scuttle control and aggression.
RiotAugust on the Vi changes
2/8 PBE Update
I’m lost on what I have to do...
Alternative to Split Pushing?
Patch 8.2 notes | League of Legends
Too afraid to play ranked
What's the point of nerfing Orange Essence too?
Jungle Main Went From Gold 5 To Diamond willing to answer any questions
What is the pettiest reason why you don't play a certain champion
I know why I'm not climbing as I could be, used to be high plat now I'm gold 5, please hear me out
Problems to get out S5 as a Jungler.
A Vi main's thoughts on making her competition-worthy without breaking her for low elo (x-post on main league subreddit)