Very sad and very cringe
Man explains his "superior race" to kids in a classroom
A2C Seniors: How's senior year going? Has senioritis hit you yet?
What’s something you remember doing when you were young that you now think back on and realize it was stupid/dangerous/irresponsible?
When did you hear back from Belt and Road after the interview?
Ma'am, this isn't a musical
Woman insists a closed food truck is still open
Had to be asked
Turn the comment section into Nate's search history
Should I submit my deposit or wait for my Belt and Road results?
Scummy Kick streamer assaulted a worker in Japan, for content
imagine being this wrong and squaring up with a woman
I guess this belongs here
what to do after deposit is paid?
Jazz Bars in Shanghai?
DTO for this comment on Kanye's wife (Bianca) and her Grammy outfit
What's a school that keeps sending you emails?
Is the current political climate of America affecting anyone else’s decision to study there?
What other countries besides usa, canada and uk should i apply/consider as an international???
Can a student could live in campus housing for all four years? And do the yearly expenses change each year?
Chinese students
Do i still have to pay the deposit if my tuition is covered?
What's a good thing that improved your day today?
Do the meal costs on cedars apply for restaurants on campus?