My roommate found this we think it’s fake but I just wanted to ask
Looking for Red & Blue flabebe variants and shiny deerling variants. Offering below
LF 1st pic, offering rest.
These skrimp are up to something 👀
Mega Lucario 9674 4159 3376
Do the online exclusives come stuffed or unstuffed?
U.S. Politics megathread
What needle
Saw a Bird in some sort of distress this morning, went over to reach out and it hopped on my hand. No obvious signs it was hurt, just stood on my finger, I didn't move or speak.. and it just flew away a few moments later. ?!?
Safe calcium dish for panda kings?
What is this?
New Sleeping Totodile at Target?
Help! i made the head to big vertically. How should i fix i
what should I do about the excess on the eyes?
what color scheme is best?
Whatnot streamer caught resealing packs
Do I need a foam skeleton, or can I just stuff it?
Anyone have experience with FurryFactoryShop's head bases? (Etsy)
Is this a fish jawbone or another typem of bone? Found on the beach in NW Florida
Whose leg is this?
Laying down hugmees?!
Working on a deer collection, could use some reccomendations
Collecting postcards!
Gimme a dragon and I’ll rate em out of 10
Tell me your favourite dragon (minus ones of the dragon riders)