Update: We have Mourning Doves making a love nest on our front porch. We might be grandparents soon! 💕
I can't with this game sometimes
F-18 go schlorp
IS-6 needs to be at 7.0. -3 degrees of gun depression, constant uptiers, and 20 second reload is unreasonable
Literally 0 brain cells
Mourning dove looking straight into your soul.
Ohh, fak fak fak fak faaaaaaakk!! (First time landing a Tu-4)
Should the Ratel series be equipped with the rear machine gun?
How much ammo you think that T-34-85 had on him?
To those who've played both games, which is scarier?
Should the devs add apds on 2pdr British guns?
When life gives you lemons.
Can anyone guess where this is?
Describe this image badly! (#3)
Borb Toes
I sits on tops of the berb feeder!!!
My Korok cosplay, hope you like it 🍃
What happens when you have OPPOSING propellers?
A group of potatoes basking in the winter sun.
Look at all these.... derpballs? mourningpoofs?
So this happened
Tag you’re it!
Should bombers be buffed or no?
The master sword
The Haja-no-Ontachi is housed at the Isonokami Shrine in Nara. Known as the Demon-Quelling Great Sword, it measures approximately 15 feet (465 cm) in length and weighs 165 pounds (75 kg).