Footage captures the moment of the U.S. airstrikes targeting civilians in Sana'a, Yemen, last night, resulting in a bloodbath.
We order lots of take out. Who is your current tried and true?
Are white people just really racist out here?
Tramway tickets
Marilyn's new home.
R/trans are not very intelligent
I've discovered how to properly tuck
scared to do anything that relates to being trans because of the political climate
Name suggestions
Currently filing my name change…should I not mention being trans?
What's your favorite month?
I I got jumped
i can’t do T4T with other trans men
Body Hair ew
Why would someone come out as transgender and not want to medically transition?
What is your opinion about "euphoria boners"?
How did you choose your names?
Should I let him on the sofa?
Worried about wearing them out in public
It's pretty hypocritical to support eliminating "woke" ideology from schools and banning books under the guise of protecting children when Donald Trump is one of the most morally reprehensible human beings alive.
justified note?
Losing people
Fucking 20 dollar cyma mag snapped after a week of light use