Qual jogo deve começar a jogar dessa lista?
Que game é esse pra vc?
How can I have that same "vibe"?
Will Omega Strikers continue on?
If Necros has 0 haters I am dead
You know you made a good game when you have 80k people listening monthly your songs after 7 years of releasing.
Qual fanbase que é ?
I still haven't gotten over the mythic skin...
Why are you main Ashe?
Lifeline on Overwatch now
[OC] A little animation to brighten your day
What are the leaks that we can already be sure about?
What is Johnny saying that caused V to look at him with such a tired expression?
What are your fears about anything related to Subnautica 2?
Zarya meimebuss
my old (cursed) AU comics[OC]
Esse é brabo...
Cite uma/um personagem negra ou parda que você goste(De qualquer mídia)
We have some old stuff back, now where are the cinematics??
Esse tiro foi só pra humilhar mesmo kkkk
Best bird easy to love hard to hate <3
O primeiro Esquadrão Suicida é melhor que o Segundo
Algum jogo indie já te surpreendeu?
I tried to recreate V from E3 (2018)