If you had a Mount Rushmore of female vocolaist of all time(any genre including R&B) who would it be?
Why do people say such horrible things about god?
Producer messaged me on Coverfly
Is Empathy a sin?
What brought you into religion?
Struggling with Feelings for Someone of a Different Faith – Seeking Advice
JUST FOR FUN: If you could cast any actor to potray a character or characters you are working on right now, who would it be and why?
What is an Auteur Director?
Why do I always feel guilty doing anything sexual?
Deleted social media apps from my phone to improve my mental health, and it worked.
How do I show/express my admiation for a Barista without being weird or off putting?
How do you cope with loneliness?
What songs make you think of your crush?
He's too too good...
They spittin, ngl
I felt so weird to day around my boss.
Who do you think is the funniest character in the show? I’ll start:
All the moms are terrible!
Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
Bleakest film you’ve ever seen?
Your Most Annoying Symptom?
Me, onstage after opening night of the show I cowrote
what is the most disturbing movie you have ever watched?
What is the most cliché/overused line in screenwriting?