20M doing a switch install. What is this
New Gun revealed
Dear Black people,
Outlook -> Teams -> Outlook setup question
I’ve been a JP fan for several years. That being said, I’m starting to get sick of some of his rants
Are women aware of what their boobs are touching?
What Are Your Favorite Macros/Keyboard Shortcuts You Use?
Does anyone know how to turn off this thing?
IT Question
Man, after 2 hours i finally made the red potion just to get surprised that now i need to make another green potion, which requires a whole different factory. Man what did i stumble into.
Starting College for IT Next Semester
Friends, I need help!
Vendors: Quickest way to lose my business
Black In IT: Refusing To Code Switch
How do you guys setup your refineries/chem plants?
AIO girlfriend response to manager text
From a 12 pack and a 8ball almost everyday for 5 years, today I’m three months completely sober!
I removed all distractions and stared at a wall for 8 hours
Referral program
Who/what is the most (positively) influential YouTube channel/podcast/etc. that has assisted in your overall improvement/betterment/development as a person?
Why is no one talking about the new motion blur toggle?
I don't understand how becoming an "expert" is supposed to work in in-house IT
got caught running scripts again
Parent's job accessing WIFI network?
If you could have any ADHD-friendly features built into your home, what would they be?