Neckbeard vows to overthrow the government after lolicon gets banned in Texas
What's your opinion on Godzilla?
What can i say that hasn’t already been said?
What do you guys think of Sonic Boom?
incel is "not leaving his video games for no b*tch"
Who’s your favorite Sonic character? Personally love Tails.
This is PEAK Sonik design!1!1 Full of Pashun and Ambition unlike ugly stewpid Hitler meta era model 🤢🤢
Neat Just Another Giant Monster for Sonic to beat up
Unleashed is just P-06 all over again
Its crazy how Shin Godzilla is goona be 10 years old in the next year.
What the fuck is this???
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit TV Series From Jon Favreau In Works At Disney+
“Totally normal anime meme”
Elitism over fucking ANIME 💀💀💀
I have yet to see a defense of 06’s story that doesn’t boil down to this
I made a poster for my sons bedroom what do you guys think
You think we'll ever see Hyper Sonic again?
Cute Sonic
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best video game to ever exist
Chekmate Sonictheists 😎
What did Sonic see? Perhaps your last saved image?
How would you feel about getting an official 3D Classic sonic game?
I just can’t stay mad at them lol
I saw this post on Twiter, and I actually wanna know, what do the people here think of Sonic.exe?