What's your "white whale"? The jersey you've always wanted, but could never find/afford
Lf top-offering below
Looking for ?, offering below
Looking for picture, offering below
56 days
Peace at Last
Looking for none/ offering kurta pikachu
Which Pokemon do you track?
I’m shocked????
What comes to your mind when you see my Art ?
My first 10 liter nano tank
thoughts on my tank?
First coat of paint, why does this feel so far off from my vision?
Rough When Wet
Show me your favourite pikachu! This is mine, and these are what I have.
What comes to ur mind when seeing my art?
What's Your Favorite Hundo?
Just caught a shiny lucario, what’s the best moveset and do I need to use elite tms?
Did so many raids for this new buddy
Girlfriend moved out. Time to make it my own place.
Wife wanted a shelf for her perfumes - cherry wood & stained glass
(28M) My apartment in Denver
Looking for Balloon Pika, offering below
This games got jokes. Professor will be happy
What should I do with 3.5 pounds of duck fat?