Where are my fellow infantrypaglus?? everyone here is crazy for airforce!!!
Repost : Air force paglu home and school desk
Should we be worried ??
✨SHE✨ confessed her feelings for me😭💖
Since we're sharing posters, here's my collection
For NDApaglu
What guns you guys use more often? Is it meta or normal ones.
Shall we or I create a CDStard subreddit?
I am guy btw...
What are your opinions regarding this?
is pw online course really worth for nda?? (first post on reddit)
Hell yeah! That's colorful ngl
Hell nah!
India's Got Latent controversy hot take
Roast my resume first year
1000 IQ
'tis business as usual
So apparently now you can get warned for upvoting stuff. Crazy.
Need a good course to master C then move to DSA quickly.
Boys/Men of this subReddit, do you relate?
What do these terminologies mean
How's Vlado's Himalayan Organics
Any good channels I should check out?
Getting downvoted for calling out feminism malpractices lol