Book recs
"But that’s undemocratic!” Notes on a popular bad habit in public debate
Read Mao's On Contradiction and thinking (posting) out loud, also book reccs?
Adding books to TBR is more addictive than Heroin.
he tiktokified evil j0rdan
any good audiobooks you liked from Audible ?
How do you escape the spectacle?
working class literature doesn't exist and will never exist
East of Eden - Chapter 1
Sometimes I worry that this is what we all sound like
What is your favourite joke inside a book?
You guys are a bunch of snitches
das 🧢ital
Best booktubers?
Can you write outside your class (convincingly)?
What did the old poets and authors know about translation techniques and language mastery that we seem to have forgotten?
Libs will tell you exploiting illegal immigrants living in precarious conditions who have no choice but to work body destroying labor "in the blazing sun" is the wholesome, inclusive and tolerant position.
"Fair and balanced" histories of the USSR?
stop shelfposting, start lineposting
stop blaming everything on immigrants!
Mark Fisher Drake Article
When We Cease To Understand The World: thoughts and a request for guidance on further reading
modern cinema is terrible
Unbelievable that the UK put up with this
Anora is the official Red Scare movie of 2024!