Is this dress appropriate for my wedding reception?
Product manager - early 30s
BlueSky just reached 24 million users!
Sabrina’s response…
What websites that are no longer active or have changed unrecognisably do you miss?
Opinions on this blue dress?
I use to love watching Zoom (1999) on PBS Kids
I'm seriously considering voting for Kamala Harris
Til that only three objects have ever been recovered from inside the great pyramid
What is the most stupid movie that you still love, regardless of criticism?
The Pantheon, Rome, Italy
Should I choose to intern at SpaceX rather than NASA to get rid of my 28k of student-loan debt faster?
AITAH for charging my son rent?
pls don’t call ppl fa*gots
Moving in with my bf :( :(
The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 8 Discussion Thread
Can you see anybody more clearly now?
Which John Hughes movie is your favorite?
What's your favorite comfort movie?
The Holdovers is overrated
Why are people grossed out about body hair on women?
Saddest song you've ever heard?
Would an MSIS/HCI grad degree from UT Austin be worth it for me?
Sideboard (Possibly 18th century American?)