Advice for Shipping Plants?
For those that enjoy foliage!
Vital Proteins Collagen Powder
What personal changes have you made since inauguration?
Help with Corms
Thoughts on costa farms selling BMF?
I know this is some kind of scam but...
Star Seller Grace Period
What type of fish do you think Bowie is?
PSA Canopy Plant Co poor business practices
Why does this keep happening to my Philodendrons? No change in environment. First was with my P. glorius, now my Fuzzy Petiole. The brown thing is the leaf, not a sheath or cataphyll.
$1,100 for a $40 plant
why are her leaves not getting bigger? She sits in a south window with a grow light shining on her too! I love her so much & want to make sure I’m not making any mistakes with lighting!
Do you respond to positive reviews?
[SH2R] Am I the only one who understood the gallow puzzle completely wrong?
Rare Plant Auctions?
New to Shopify, Don't Understand Payouts...
I have made a fatal, irreversible error and need some advice.
What's with this sudden shift of negativity towards those of us who buy rare and expensive plants.
The rare plant market isn’t real
What I ordered vs what I got. This is unacceptable, right?
How important are GH and pH?
Any ideas what's happening here?
How do you guys handle requests for discounts?