Ape punya ngok la JNT ni dh mlm bru nk buat delivery..atuk dia la
Literally 1984
What is your opinion on r/Ajar_Malaysia?
UiTM appoints Azam Baki as adjunct professor
Is this legal? If it's illegal, why haven't these kinds of websites been shut down by MCMC already?
Do you think is this ethical?
So many angry pokcik during Ramadan ah? Nice beard btw
Mandy Rose reaction over random post/opinion in Instagram
Why the hate for Guan Eng?
PMX agrees that the max tenure for a Prime Minister should be limited to 10 years
Sarawakian student physically harassed by unknown man in Johor for not fasting during Ramadan despite being non-Muslim
Make room Starbucks and McDonald's. China's Mixue and other brands win fans in Southeast Asia
JAKIM akan panggil individu kaitkan Nabi Muhammad dengan kronisme, nepotisme
I refuse to tolerate this kind of attitude any longer.
Would you guys accept this scenario?
Malaysia's Wage Problems: We Work Almost An Hour For Milk But The Dutch Can Do It In 4 Minutes | TRP
MAB officer’s sacking for playing takraw while on extended MC upheld
K'jaan wajibkan Sapura Energy ditadbir pengurusan baru sebelum dibantu
Sukar lucut kerakyatan lelaki hina Islam guna alasan ‘tak setia’, kata pakar
Debate between Saravanan and preacher Zamri Vinoth called off
Era FM dikenakan kompaun RM250,000
failed my jpj test
Hina Islam: 'Bawa dia ke masjid untuk minta maaf ' - Dr Akmal Saleh
When RM1,800 a month is ‘too high’ a salary in Sabah
So you telling me there a chance that James Bond could be Malaysian ?