"tHe paCeRs ArE goNnA cHoKe aGaiN!"
I'm predicting at least 2 more injuries to your starting lineup
Oh nooo, what had happuhhhhnd
Knicks checking directions for another postseason
CROSSPOST THAT SHIT (help grow the sub)
10 Commandments of the East: What is the 3rd Commandment of nbaeastmemewar? Most upvoted comment wins
10 Commandments of the East: what is the 1st Commandment of nbaeastmemewar? Most upvoted comment wins
Using 2 of your team's players, create the best player possible.
Seasons over
Good job, ya played yourself
Welcome to NBA reddit. Today's question: How do you save the NBA?
Who's laughing now
Fuck your field
Mwwwaaaaaahahahahaaaa! Forcing you to be positive: Honestly, what do you love about basketball, and what made you pick your team?
Welcome to the East's Mountaintop! Place these players in order from best to worst while ONLY considering their time in the Eastern Conference. What's accurate? What would you change?
The Bucks hoarding their treasure
2024-25... BEGIN!!!
Last seasons opener. You can never stop this!
Last time we played the Celtics on opening night. FUCK BOSTON
With the season closing in, we must purge ourselves of our fears! I want to hear your craziest trade ideas, hottest takes, most insane predictions, and every leftover once of cope you have!!!
FUCK BOSTON: A plea to the basketball world
Which team could you be convinced had never existed and was always just a figmant of our collective imagination?
AITA for telling my sister she ruined our mom’s funeral with her “surprise” announcement?
I worked in an abortion clinic for a year, AMA