Any suggestion based on my tier list (I'm new to anime, just started five month ago)
[Fanfic] Thanks for responding to my previous post everyone. Let's share the main plot details.
Type any ORV character's name with your eyes closed
[Request] How do you find the value of x for this shape inside a triangle?
How do you deal with pacing? After Some editing I Re published my Novel again please everyone help me Reach my top again
Is my story good????
Who are your favorite writers?
Leaving ship
[DISC] need critic for my webnovel?
need critic for my webnovel?
Tatsumaki [One Punch Man] (Diforland)
astrominior extension, what does it do?
Help at buying
Ask me anything
My collection 😍 I've been collecting for about 4 years and 8 months and I have accrued 9,295 books (9,827 volumes) so far. It's sad that I can't do multiple posts. I took like 60 pictures and it only let's me add 20 😫
raider and darkness
Random seed scenarios are insane
So, enlighten us.
First time making sushi as a 16yo
Yuki Returns!
Absolue unit of a Strawberry i Found while shopping
That compliance though
Staged Fights
Death note all in one! (Got it yesterday)