been loving and having so much fun wit this bullseye deck! someone said i should add magik who would i replace?
I finally reached infinite
TIL: If You Killmonger Your Sent Acid Arrow, You Can Pull Their Firehair
Why Is Firehair's Nickname Karen?
Another card released 100% tested beforehand by SD
Community Manager Responds to "The Unwinnable Game Phenomenon" Submitted Question
For folks who pre-date the cell phone era, what was your family's reading material of choice to stock in the bathroom?
22 consecutive seasons reaching infinite. Unpopular opinion (maybe) but if you cannot work around Shang Chi or get frustrated when it is played, you need to understand the state of power-creep and why Chi is more prevalent then ever.
Champion of 1300+ Player Tournament This Weekend
Is it advisable to go for infinite at low CL?
Got my ass whooped by Danger Room
Job Searching for Loan IQ Front End Operating
Getting on this trend! Lamorak 2006, the night we unlocked Mauler.
Can I just rant for a second?
Going into round 4 of the event and insta loosing to a triple misty flip. I despise that card…
A 22 year old game ruined almost all future video games for me!
What unpopular ptcgp opinion would have you fighting for your life in the comments?
Genuinely the best mobile game I've played
I never seen so much golden cards
2 days to go until this meta is over.
I’ve already said that if your opponent retreats you should get all 16, but this is the worst:
How it feels when you open Dialga booster No.650 with 0 Darkrai
Petition to change "Card Mastery" to "Card Collection"
Battling isn’t rewarding enough
Radiation Melee: How is it on a Tanker?