Books that feel like the 2000s
Ajay, I don't think you're meant to use that on your baby...
Use one word to describe the trait that all your protagonists have in common.
It’s funny how Mary always ends up taking the spotlight in every show (deservedly in my opinion!)
Seven things I've genuinely experienced while writing my first book
Growing Up, What Actors Made You Question It
[QCRIT] Literary Fiction- Pray for us (76,000 words)
Dispirited due to having to scrap 40k words
What is a sentence you have written that you think is your best yet?
[QCrit] Historical Fiction/Romance - YORK PRINCESS, TUDOR QUEEN (84K/ 1st Attempt)
What are some of your unusual writing quirks?
I have absolutely no idea how my german queen looks so young (slide 3 is her age)
The Witch-king of Angmar was eaten
What do you think of starting a book with a dialogue?
Should I edit my work?
[Discussion] help. Spiraling after first draft - how did you push forward?
[Weekly Critique and Self-Promotion Thread] Post Here If You'd Like to Share Your Writing
[QCrit] Fantasy, APPLES OF DISCORD (90K, 1st attempt)
You might think you don't have a lot of bedroom action going on, but at least you're not a eunuch married to a nun
[QCrit] upmarket family saga -- TIDAL MOORINGS (98k/4th attempt)
What is the worst advice you could give to a writer starting out?
Finally made designs for the rest of the Olympians!
I’ve never cried while reading a book. Let’s change that.
[QCrit] Adult Thriller NADINE 75K Second Attempt