How did FEV end up in the East Coast?
Fallout 4 weapon customization hurts the game.
A change of pace from the guns
There's other weapons worth hating on, that's all I'm saying
Some members of this sub, apparently.
My siblings in Atom you have choices
Enough Gun Debates, which Fallout creature is most pettable and why
10% radiation damage against ghouls ahh guns
Is everyone forgetting about the goofy ah OG "assault rifle"
Fixed it
Should I get Fallout 4
I only wish certain other fans had this mindset.
The solution was always simple
Fallout firearms
Genuine question: Why do people say this game has bad writing?
Which fallout game was your first
3D game most like the originals?
I keep hearing the NCR was doomed in New Vegas - why?
Fallout TV show retcons
Wanting to start playing fallout. My options are 3, 4 and new vegas which one should I pick?
Fixed it, since people misunderstood the first one
tfw posts like this get 20k likes when todd himself said NCR isn't destroyed and bethesda didnt even write the show
tfw posts like this lying about the TV show get 15k likes when Todd Howard said the NCR isn't even destroyed and Bethesda didn't even write the TV show.
Fallout tv show, yay or nay?
Yes, Thank you, Fallout Tv was one of the best adaptations in so far. God, whiners still find more imaginary reason to hate it for no reason is so annoying.