I'm wondering if my boyfriend is manipulating me
Sawyer, they’ll never make me like your trash ass!
when theres two LI but u accidentally CC the worse one hotter
Recommend me some episode stories that are so bad its funny
What does your go to female LI look like?
fav art scene in a story? (or cover art)
saddest ending i’ve read
Anyone know some good stories where the MC is an actress?
any stories with a pregnant MC/MC with a young kid?
Anyone wanna join my book club
Please I need recommendations I'm so bored 😭😭
Are we tired of the Dating/Reality Tv tropes?
Need recommendations
Taking my time with this one but I think I’m finally starting to get some results. (the vocals are bad sorry)
Name him
Does anyone know what CC this male character has?
Remember Me Not Finale - Coming February 22nd
Gay Dating Show?!
best psychological thriller on episode
ending of transference
Pretty petty choice please help
High school/ college recs
I feel like the only person in the world with MLs that has these for eyes😭
Which One Should I Read?