Tell the FAKE HIGHER BEINGS/"Lords of Karma" that you owe them NOTHING. You are a Free Being who REFUSES TO REINCARNATE
The Fall of Humanity: "Once humanity fell below this threshold collectively, the WORLD COMPUTER automatically ceased to recognize humanity as its governing body or superior".
The MATRIX is actually REAL. This Universe is a closed off PARASITIC SIMULATION. They are the Predators. SOULED BEINGS are their PREY
Earth is NOT a School
Silent Protest Shattered: The Alleged Belgrade Energy Weapon Attack
Saving an astral worlds from invading Archons?
This Ultimate "Conspiracy Theory Movie" has Lizard People, Alternate Dimensions, and Secret Underground Civilizations. It's no wonder this movie went through hell to get made.
Utah is officially the first U.S. state to ban fluoride in the public water!
Employ (Make Use Of) Ment (Mind)
The Illusion of Freedom
Grok says Elon could send a GoPro to the moon and livestream the whole trip there and a day on the moon for $15-50 million. He's worth half a trillion. Why hasn't he done that? He could make it an exclusive X livestream and make bank
Archons: AMA
Accurate description of the powers that be 👁️⃤
6000 Year Tablet Decodes The Matrix-Simulation-Reality-Construct
In order to learn who you are, you must UNLEARN who they taught you to be.
Who remembers this human sacrifice in front of CERN Shiva the Destroyer statue? CERN assured it was a "prank" and people just stopped talking about it. What kind of prank is done at multi billion dollar facilities?
The Fall of Humanity: "Once humanity fell below this threshold collectively, the WORLD COMPUTER automatically CEASED to recognize Humanity as its Governing Body or Superior"
The Questions That Shatter the Illusion.
Breaking Free: Unlocking the Power of the Mind and Healing the Earth
What Is SoC (Spectrum of Consciousness) - the only loophole of the prison planet system. SoC is the key to build the prison planet system, it is also the key to rescape it.
I have traveled into The AFTERLIFE over a thousand times by Astral Projection. Because of these experiences I can say; It is 100% Correct this reality is controlled by SATANISTS
This "Universe" is a Closed Off SIMULATION. Almost everything "Society" has taught you were actually LIES. The "Afterlife" is Another Dimension very close to ours in Frequency. The Deceased are captured there, and subjected to Memory ERASE and Forced REINCARNATION
Lady Gag Gag on SNL
We Can All Relate To This 😂😔
Welcome to Night City