6 seasons, 6 continents?
How to handle flyers as a dive/melee heavy tank
As a magneto, what should I prioritize using my ult for
What are good counter picks against certain metas (vanguard/strategists)
Playing with 2 groots is actually cancer.
There is no excuse for Strategists to have negative K/D regardless of the heals
Which vanguard is a good counter to punisher ult and Turret
How important are voice comms to achieve high rank
Looks like new comp bug dropped
Hear me out
supermaster V?????
Hit Supermaster V today, apparently.
Are the rival servers up rn?
Uhm Marvel?
Stop avoiding my rocket power ups! Pick them up!
Who is your best and worst character/class?
3 Healers Meta
Best Sue Storm?
If you're the sixth player and you're filling a slot, which hero do you pick for each role assuming it's your off-class?
When the entire team abandons the healers
Me after respawning on the new map
Just caught up on S8
To every teammate who switches to rocket when I'm playing punisher: I love you bro and I will personally bodyguard you
How popular is Valorant where you live?
Guess I'll go to bed early tonight.