The Dems are so screwed
I had a one night stand with a woman who pulled out a list on her phone and read to me all the peoples she’s slept with and their ratings from 1-10
You're at the marketplace to grab some olive oil, and this guy corners you and asks you to define justice. What do you do?
Vindicator Printed on Bambu A1
They were never prepared
Which head for my JP Captain?
It's practically a documentary
V For Vendetta (2005) is more relevant now that when it was released
Finished up my Translocation Shroud Overload last night
Naughty Marines Get the Isopropyl Jar
Commander Dante Unmasked
Canoptek Wraiths proxies
Possible Ctan Proxy?
Now THAT is how you mosh!
WIP Zahndrekh x Obyron Diorama
First Minis done! What do you think?
New Fulgrim pictures
Show me how u painted Dante
Ok that's it, I'm buying this Megatron.
Best 105 points unit to finish list?
i *think* i almost got scammed
Nightbringer proxy
What can I proxy this as?
Please don’t go in the pits with steel toes on