[WTS] new eotech exps 3-1 tan
Goofin with the boys
77gr pills really put a thumping down range.
Pimped my Cheetah 80X Tactical
[WTS] spiritus systems plate carier
[WTS] Eotech EXPS 3-1 tan
Will 300 blk put down a cow?
Cerakote design
Got a Beretta for almost every occasion
My cousin's setup lol
Rate my mid setup
Which one are you taking for SHTF, top or bottom?
Switched to 300 BLK, what suppressor?
Sure fire or stream light?
Nebula 300 BO
Have you gotten any of your friends or coworkers to shoot guns?
A Bosnian girl with milled ak47
Lever Action P 90
[WTS] cmc 4lb trigger
My three ‘rettas
[WTS] Trijicon Credo 1-8, EXPS3-4, G45, PA PLXc 1-8, UNITY Fast Riser FDE, UNITY OMNI FDE, Sig Tango MSR 1-8
You: Rattle can your guns! Me: like this?
All hail the Serbian Krink
Problems With My Brand New PSA AR-15 (dissipator upper)