Aggrend please
How to spot bad game design. I'm playing a T1 geared shaman tank and was in melee range the whole time. I don't even want to know what clothies are going through when they get spammed by Kill Shot.
Do Not Trust Any "Traders" asking to trade Fresh gold for Cata/Sod/Retail/HC or vise versa
Love or hate him, bro has made it
Classic WoW Questing in a nutshell.. can you relate? 🐻🧸
Over 500 New Items Found on the Season of Discovery Phase 8 PTR including many Legendary Ashbringer variants.
My brother, it's just Wailing Caverns...
HBO Harry Potter Series Close To Casting Paapa Essiedu And Janet McTeer As Snape And McGonagall
What are you guys going to main in MoP Classic?
The people posting about min/maxers and parsers ruining the game have never organized a raid
Most fun SOD class?
Reached Renown 100 in Season 15
After doing Naxx on HM4 I can safely say that harder trash ≠ more difficulty. It just alludes to wasting more time, dps slower, doing things one by one. It's not fun, it's insanely regressive even.
Grubby with the March of the Ents strat vs Tyler
I'm sorry, but french players are just the absolute worst to play against.
After naxx is cleared, every quarter closes again. Like why is this even a thing? I just want to go back and gather some frozen runes for my guild. Just keep it open wtf. Who thinks of shit like this man.
'Preview talent changes' option not being in SoD yet is a crime.
WoW has taught me something IRL for socializing
I've grown fond of these as currency for world buffs. But make these stack to 1000 or make them tradeable/sellable. Also remove the scrolls from the boxes.
Nova Raid Companion can now show your entire raids SoD Naxxramas Seal of the Dawn buff percentage in an easy to view column.
I love the AQ mounts, but two things are different from every other mount.
Asmon Says Nazis burned LGBTQ+ books because they were Jewish while at the same time his chat calls it a Nazi W and based.
I Installed Gargul to run pugs how I want them to be run
Dishonorable kills in Alterac Valley
Ah, yes. I, too, casually farm 30k runecloth my dear fellow friend human.